"Today is Lakhotia's birthday.Guys, bumps....lets kick some ass....hard". This is how I remember memories of my last birthday. Those were the hostel days when someone bithday would mean all the hosteliers getting a free-chance to kick a guys back-bottom with things varying from bathroom slippers to leather boots , bisleri bottles and finally dragging him on the ground.
Things as weird as throwing water, beer or drowning the guy in mud would be some of the things the birthday boyhad to go through before treating a group of gourmands at the local dhaba.(Budget,everyone remembers the coll.. days)
Some of my older memories include me getting a full-blown round of bumps and then being thrown awy on the main road(yes, lookin bak it looks pretty cruel. But that was partially because this date generally collided with the end/or near-end of endsemester exams in my college.And one knows how desperately ppl want to vent out their frustration at the end of those gory enginering endsems.I have suffered quite a blows in atleast two years in my coll. And yes these guys demanded a treat after giving thier share on the day.
The memories from the childhood though are much pleasant .I would generally wait for a gift
promised by my parents (a gift better than my younger brother whose birthday would have
gone couple of months back!!!)and then an outing to the favourite ice-cream parlour.
Officially I turn 21 today.But I wont say thiat Iam celebrating my twenty-first birthday.It could be anything between 21 and 42.Well the reasons behind that are pretty funny.My birth certificate shows myDOB as 7th Dec 1984. but all my chacha-chachis,tauji n all sayi was born on Nov 7 and due to some reasons the birthdate on my certi got messed up. I do not blame anyone rather i used to enjoy this paradox. I used to celebrate on these dates alternatively. But as one grows up, things get forgotten and i start getting confused remembering the date .Morover, the ppl who got ot know this fact started taking multiple treats from me. This world is so mean!!!!!!!!
Nowdays, i celebrate 7th Nov with my family and 7th Dec with my school,coll,company friends.
Ppl say that as you grow old you lose the charm of celebrating birthdays. But now i feel
more happy for this paradox.I have two days officially where i feel happy , to look forward into my life,to party and cut through life's unnecessary frets & troubles and feel close to myself.
Another thing is that you can separatley give time to family and friends.And yes, when you have a demanding girlfriend then you dont need to give your family excuses either :)
I feel happy for all those officials who messed up the date in my certificate.Thank you guys!!
Cool Facts:
Here are things that are related to the same date
7the December 1941: Japanese attackedthe Pearl harbour, getting US into World War II
7th December 1972: Apollo17, last Apollo mission was launched
7th December 1984: Birth of Prince of WonderLand
7th Dcember 2006: Bill Gates is releasing Windows Vista
Happy Birthday to me!!!!
ps: As i write this i have already had my GPL session. Thanks to my DCX team, TU2k5 guys
and my flatmates.