Friday, April 23, 2010

Euphoria is bad, Depression is good :)- As leading indicators

Figure: Sentiment cycle of an Investor

One of my humble opinions (OMHO) is that "Pursuit is life"- which can be seen as a timeline to seek answers to the questions that interests us. These answers or insights originate from first hand or borrowed experiences. The questions and experiences remain interesting as long as what we do and whom we are with remain interesting.

Wearing another hat (WAH) -Pursuit may be driven by fear which is driven by the need to survive instead of being driven by interests. It is also limited by capability of the person and systems of the world.

In the Big Picture (ITBP), which of the sentiment from the Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is driving is (less important) < than the awareness about the sentiment and the ability to drive the driver.

Moving to the central point (MCP), the image intrigues me - specifically the denial, panic, despondency and the relief sentiments- people may not clearly identify these transitory sentiments.

Money drives the world except for a penny population. The same or a modified sentiment cycle can also manifest in pursuit of other goals/answers/experiences.

Go drive the drivers.

Anuj Lakhotia

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Twenty Five and Something

ला ला ला ला , ला ला
पलकों पे
सपने ले
घर से जो चले हम
हुई एक
कहानी शुरू !

हँसते खिलते
बड़ते हम
बनते सजते
महफिलों के रंग
दोस्तों से मिलें ऐसे हम
बूंदों से बूँदें मिलकर
जैसे बारिश बनती बढती रहे !

मेहनत में हो कर गुम
पाते खुद को हम
मंजिल जाने बगैर
पानी से बहें हम
राहे यूँ ही बनती बदलती रहे !

हारें भी
जीतें भी
गिरते संभलते हम
रोयें भी
नाचें भी
खुल कर जीयें हम
सूरज की किरणों से
हर सवेरो को हम
यूँही चमकते रहे !

प्यार भी करते हम
जचें भी कुछ को हम
सितम भी सहे हम
पर साथी बने ही कम
बच्चे की तरह दिल को
बुद्धू बना कर हम
यूँही मुहब्बत लुटाते रहे !

गीतों में
यादें भर
सरगम जो गाये हम
कहानी यूँही बनती बढती रहे !

हमारी अधूरी कहानी , हा हा हा हा, हा हा

Wanted to hum something. Conscious Inspiration from Lucky Ali and Silkroute. Will be happy for suggestions to make it more hummable. Happy with this though :)

Anuj Lakhotia

Saturday, April 10, 2010

World GDP per capita and Life Expectancy over last 200 years

I landed on and happened to compare the world countries progression over the last 200 years.

This one presentation from Hans Roling on TED is pretty funny and summarises some of the things i saw with the tools on the website.

The world average life span is expected to rise in the coming years. But, I do not see world focusing on creating 'stuff' to give meaning and fun to those extended years. The average income is increasing, the average consumption is increasing, the average wasteful consumption is increasing and the average disillusionment with the world activities has also increased.

For, India it would take 30-40 years to have the income levels matching the developed countries The progress of countries over the years indicate that it would continue being difficult for India and China with their large populations to provide higher standards of living for their diaspora.

Chasing those income levels is possible by competing continuously or outsmarting peer population if we have decided to live in India. Sounds like a ' keep running' way to live life . This is a disillusionment with India of people who have experienced better quality of life and work life abroad for few years.

Carefully Directing consumption from the increased income levels to satisfy and grow on path of your interests, chase your passions, test your capabilities, fulfil your desires and leave a better world for your next generations can be the way to live life. Desiring international standards across the breadth of country is futile.

Friday, April 02, 2010


सावन हमें अकेले भिगो गया कल रात में ,
बादल एक रंग का हो गया बिछड कर बरसात से !
हँसे, खेले, नाचे हम पुरे गुजरात में ,
दूर तुझसे, तेरी निगाहों से, तेरे साथ से
हसीं लम्हे जहन में बसें बिना ही गुजर गए ऐसे हालात में !

It was raining and I was drenched wet after an hour of badminton. Continued my playful mode in the rains. Wrote a stanza after sipping the Nescafe 3 in 1 instant coffee looking at the clear skies

Marmalade, Mont Kiara

It makes my day every time I go to this place Marmalade for lunch which supposedly offers me very little for very high prices. I see these beautiful people, specifically beautiful , adorable women in their middle years lost in their worlds, their own beauty, their kids, thier food, their gossip but lost to something interesting and their worries lost in their smiles lost in the lost things they are lost in. I often pick a local newspaper, a car magazine or at times a woman magazine all of which transfers me to a different world as I relish my honey dipped chicken salad with avocados and raisins. I like the red sofas, the painting on the wall, at times the soothing music and the smile which I remember used to work over there during my initial visits.Thanks Marmalade you exist and in my perspective you offer me so much by taking something of little value.

Anuj Lakhotia